Tuesday Trippin’ August 2023

At least for now, to make Tuesday Trippin’ will be a monthly post. There are just so many other things I’d also like to share.


We’re training at least as hard as we ever have. We have more available time in July than any other month. Even with timing things to miss the heat of the day, we’re still getting a lot of miles and in pretty good shape. I’ve ridden hard enough to need a few days off. Luckily that happened exactly when we needed to be out of town to help family. I’ve had some slight knee pain. It went away during the first family visit, came back mildly and got better again after the second.

I got stung again in July. It seems like July is when I most need to keep my sting med kit complete and on the bike. I’m going to make a second post on what I carry for that.

Our mileage is moving up where we feel better and better. We’ve also made some progress in getting things done, the really boring, job-like stuff that has to happen to make the t-shirt and video projects go. I find a I’m anticipating a great fall and winter. If we can stay on our current schedule, there are many ways I’ll be able to say that all the hurdles and resulting delays have been for the best. That’s a big “if”, I know.

Riding and training is not all we’re doing though. I want to write and share about the T-shirt project and some of my other interests too. Stay tuned!

Until next time, have a glorious day and we’ll see you on the trail!

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