Tagged: Tuesday Trippin'

Tuesday Trippin’ June 8 0

Tuesday Trippin’ June 8

I bought mascara for our family trip last week. I don’t know how long it’s been since I used any and it was the 4th day, the actual day of the graduation celebration before...

Tuesday Trippin’ June 1+ 0

Tuesday Trippin’ June 1+

We made our trip. We went to Chicago. It was our first post Covid travel for a family graduation. Riding on the way up was limited due to weather. Much of it was weather...

Tuesday Trippin’ April 6 & 13 0

Tuesday Trippin’ April 6 & 13

Another “Trippin’” post that covers two weeks here, I don’t think it will become the norm. Leading up to April 6 was a whirlwind, shifting into better rides again (while dealing with those incredible...