Tagged: Rebuild

Anniversaries 0


Today is the two-year anniversary of the day the house burned. (As it happened, it’s also the anniversary of wedding my ex). So, I’m going to take some time for looking back on what...

Hard Wood 0

Hard Wood

Travel is one of the great joys in life, and sometimes the best trips are not geographically distant.

Closing a Door and Opening a Window 0

Closing a Door and Opening a Window

The first attempt to close on our house was put off for around a month while the seller got her paperwork in order. The second attempt was delayed because the seller’s moving van arrived...

Salvage Value 0

Salvage Value

I’ve done a lot of renovation, but never by the IKEA method. IKEA designs by choosing the end price and making the features of the product fit inside. I’m pretty confident that I can...

Replicate, Replace or Rebuild ? 0

Replicate, Replace or Rebuild ?

After the twin towers came down, they didn’t try to replicate what had been before. It wasn’t appropriate, practical, fitting or even possible to put things back exactly as they had been. Yet when...

Gone Man, Solid Gone 0

Gone Man, Solid Gone

There’s this frozen instant in time when almost everything in the house is gone, sucked away. What exists afterward depends on what we were doing where it was happening, and inches apparently matter. The...