Tagged: FlemingRd



Russ and I have adventures from time to time, mostly because we’re willing to get up at 4 AM to chase balloons (once I did that with a wind chill of -42) or SAG...


Out of Place

I am the least conventional thinker I know. I’m willing to conform when appropriate, just sometimes clueless about where that proverbial box is. I had a pre-calc professor who lectured on convention, how the...


Pony Tail

My hair was getting shorter and shorter with every cut. Then Coronaplague came along and it started getting longer and longer. I didn’t know when I’d want to get it cut. Then one day...


Ballooning: Lighter than Air

Ballooning is one of my fondest pursuits. We’ve had fun with so many people. We’ve shared wonderful experiences, as well as tragedies, with friends, family and strangers in balloons. That English teacher who opened...