Bikes Round II
We’ve had time, research and test rides since I first published my thoughts on bicycles for the project. Some things are the same, others are shifting. Recumbents We went to the shop Recumbent Bikes...
Wondering Along with Purpose and Awe
We’ve had time, research and test rides since I first published my thoughts on bicycles for the project. Some things are the same, others are shifting. Recumbents We went to the shop Recumbent Bikes...
It’s that time between seasons when winter weather is fading and the days are getting longer. I’m embarrassed to complain about the weather. Last week a friend posted that she had used 50 pounds...
I mean, we would drink water whether we were riding or not, right? It’s the little things that kill your success, but not in the “Forego avocado toast and you can have a McMansion”...
It’s been more than a year since I took the plunge and dragged Russ across counties to get to an open trail, and it was probably the best decision I’ve made during the pandemic...
The intro video is completely home grown and shot cell phones. I shot some footage, but Russ shot most of what we used, then edited it on Kdenlive. He is self taught with the...
I stopped to photograph these flowers, not when they were fresh on the first day that I saw them, but several days later when they still sat there untouched. The bench has a memorial...
Well, we got Covid in the house. Again. Russ and I have spent some time in camp chairs in our bathroom working on the video (because there’s more room in the bath than there...
Good news this week, our vaccines held last week. The one Covid case in the family was just one Covid case. It was mild and it ended quickly. We’re really thankful that no one...
I tried to pretend I was optimistic, but it was inevitable. Covid came to our house last week. First I got the text that the pre-school was shut down for the next 10 days,...
We had good rides since my last post, not pushing too hard through weather that was on again off again like a Georgia winter. We took some time for the holidays with family, or...