Category: Silver Comet, Chief Ladiga Video Project
We hope to video weekly century rides covering the Silver Comet and Chief Ladiga Trails every week for 60 weeks to capture seasonal and trail changes over the course of a year (8 extra weeks for oopsies).
Did you know that motivation follows action? It stinks. It should be the other way around, right? High action individuals never need to notice because there’s always action producing endorphins and feeding inspiration. Like...
At least for now, to make Tuesday Trippin’ will be a monthly post. There are just so many other things I’d also like to share. Training We’re training at least as hard as we...
The Big Picture for Our Side Step into T-shirts The trail video project has always been a good idea. We’re so ready to do that. There’s the matter of paying for everything though. We’re...
Do those last three words in the title make you cringe the same way they do me? I have to poke fun at my life right now. It’s just the only choice I can...
I mean, we would drink water whether we were riding or not, right? It’s the little things that kill your success, but not in the “Forego avocado toast and you can have a McMansion”...
The intro video is completely home grown and shot cell phones. I shot some footage, but Russ shot most of what we used, then edited it on Kdenlive. He is self taught with the...
I stopped to photograph these flowers, not when they were fresh on the first day that I saw them, but several days later when they still sat there untouched. The bench has a memorial...
We took our grandson to a Saturday practice for his mountain bike team on Yonah Mountain. Rather than wait, we went over to the hiking trail and did as much as we could in...
Sometimes I chide myself for focusing on the wrong thing at the wrong time. I have to get funding before camera decisions decisions matter. At the same time, I need credibility as someone who...
New Bike Shoes, Flat, Stiff and Wide I ended up buying new shoes just before the century. My go to pair is getting worn, making my tingly toes worse. Breaking in a new pair...