Category: General

The Coconut Adventure 0

The Coconut Adventure

While visiting a friend in Florida we saw a coconut palm with a ripe fruit (called a drupe). We were about to see Russ’ nieces in Disney World and thought they might get a...

Quixotic 0


Quixotic: I ran across that word three times my reading last week and once on the radio. Unusual. The fist time I saw the word was in a general reference to cycling any distance...

Apollo 11: Looking Back, and Forward 0

Apollo 11: Looking Back, and Forward

Today I find myself remembering a particular visit home to grandma’s house. My grandmother, Mimi, we called her lived in Evergreen, Alabama and we lived in Nederland,Texas, so it had been a long drive...

Canoeing the Hooch: An Elaborate Ruse 0

Canoeing the Hooch: An Elaborate Ruse

The time/money trade off is at the heart of the challenge in making it through a span of unemployment. There are things you would like to do, and there is time to do them...

This Schoolhouse Rocks! 0

This Schoolhouse Rocks!

When I was in grade school I loved Schoolhouse Rocks’ “I’m Just a Bill up on Capitol Hill”. It had personal meaning for me because my father made it come alive. He was the...

Introducing New Author: John Fleming! 0

Introducing New Author: John Fleming!

While we do accept submissions from a variety of sources, our newest author happens to be my father. Dad has been writing for my entire life, sometimes in a column titled The Hue and...

Outen the Lights 0

Outen the Lights

Earth hour is a World Wildlife Federation sponsored event where everyone is encouraged to turn off all non-essential energy consuming devices for an hour to call attention to current levels of energy consumption and...