Category: Fleming Rd

The Indoctrination of our Children 0

The Indoctrination of our Children

by Karen I watched the Sunday Morning news program Face the Nation this Labor Day weekend and learned that there is a certain level of controversy and turmoil over the planned message of President...

Shiny Blue Water 0

Shiny Blue Water

by Russ When Karen realized that NASA had scheduled another night launch for Tuesday (August 25) morning, she called me at work to see if I could get off for it.  I was fortunate...

My ‘Maters 0

My ‘Maters

I’ve been very pleased with my tomatoes this year.  I haven’t actually been able to produce decent tomatoes in any kind of quantity until now.  I haven’t, in the past few years, made the...

A Girl’s First Fish 0

A Girl’s First Fish

My father was always the fisherman bringing home ice boxes full to share with friends and strangers. The family albums were papered with photos of the bounty. That was before he began to practice...