Author: karen

Mom! Why is My Skin Red? 3

Mom! Why is My Skin Red?

Mom wasn’t an anti-vaxxer, she was distracted. I received my smallpox vaccine at school in Texas. I remember lining up in a huge lunchroom, but after that we moved back to the small rural...

Tuesday Trippin’ June 8 0

Tuesday Trippin’ June 8

I bought mascara for our family trip last week. I don’t know how long it’s been since I used any and it was the 4th day, the actual day of the graduation celebration before...

Public Transportation for Everyone 1

Public Transportation for Everyone

*This post is heavy on links. I’ve done that for three reasons. 1. Credibility: To show that the things I’m talking about are working in real places. 2.To help readers visualize what I’m talking...

Tuesday Trippin’ June 1+ 0

Tuesday Trippin’ June 1+

We made our trip. We went to Chicago. It was our first post Covid travel for a family graduation. Riding on the way up was limited due to weather. Much of it was weather...

Tuesday Trippin’ May 18 & 25 0

Tuesday Trippin’ May 18 & 25

May Days May is definitely a sublime month for riding. Here in Georgia the weather begins to have some pretty nice days in February, especially if you’re comfortable riding temps in the 50s. And,...

Tuesday Trippin’ 0

Tuesday Trippin’

Do you have a mental file of pictures you didn’t take? We had storms this week. Normally “thunderstorms” in the forecast is an absolute no go for me, but Russ called from work and...