Author: karen


Chasing Light

Solstice Tomorrow is the winter solstice. To be more accurate, it arrives in about 4 hours or, in my city/zip code/time zone of Roswell, GA at 4:20 am on Saturday, December 21, 2024, when...


Heroine with an “E”

Language is fluid. Dictionaries are too. They add new words, deem others archaic, and, especially in smaller editions, remove words as they fall from use. That wave of nostalgia that hits in the late...

Red Cross Tissues 0

Drama, Drama, Drama

I’ve had this little packet of tissues for 11 years now. Realizing how long I’ve had it reminds me of my maternal grandmother who could hang on to something until no one knew what...


Quietly, Carefully, Consistently

I was sad and disturbed to read the allegations about Neil Gaiman. I remembered writing a post some time back about his commencement address advice on creating art, choosing your livelihood and “faking it...



I’ve written a few posts lately on gratitude, kindness and how people are effected by the things we choose and do. Well, this week has been extra. Some people we don’t know made choices,...


Late One Night

Personal Road Trip Strategy There was a really memorable night a long time ago. We were moving from Savannah, Georgia to Louisville, Kentucky. During the years around that move, if I was going to...


How Does That Make You Feel?

What makes you decide to share something in real life, or on social media? What’s worth someone else’s attention? If you want others to see a sticker on your car, you have maybe 30...


On Foot: Overview

We have a huge focus on cycling, but many of our favorite cycling places are popular multi-use trails, so they’re walking paths too. Some time back we decided that our post-ride recovery exercise would...


Health Choices That Fit

People make trade offs in life. They have to choose which things to prioritize and it isn’t easy. In fact, the most difficult tradeoffs are so hard that often, those who make different choices...



When I started yoga I didn’t ride my bike on yoga days. I’m stronger now, and have started to do both on some days. Today was one of them. One of the Big Creek...