Tuesday Trippin’ March 15

Beware, the Ides of March are upon us…

Russ used to be really Superstitious about the Ides of March. When we first started dating, he said he always had a bad day on the Ides of March, and he didn’t ever want to be reminded of it. I guess I broke the trend with him. It’s been a while since he made the claim.

We took every possible ride last week before he took time off from work and I took time off from the project so we could visit a relative and help with some home repairs. Our hotel was a terrible experience. I think I got bit by bedbugs. We’ve been treating our clothes, bags and gear from the trip like they are contaminated with the plague. We only have 3 days until our Granddaughter (my son’s first) will be induced or delivered by C-section on the 17th, and bed bugs in the house just won’t do. I wish I could be sure that didn’t happen, but the outside temps were in the 20s and something bit me while I wasn’t noticing.

My phone charger didn’t get properly plugged back in after the trip and the charge ran out overnight, so, the alarm didn’t go off this morning. I only had 3 hours of sleep, so I didn’t wake up naturally. But, my grand son (child of my daughter) made enough noise going out the door to school, that I woke up. Fortunately he leaves at about the same time as my late wake up for his sister (her Mom leaves for work at 4AM lately) and I was able to get her to school on time.

The HVAC guy came today to look at our menagerie, quote for the new room and make a repair. He fortunately fixed the most pressing problem on the spot and will send us estimates to make the summer more bearable.

Then someone left water running in the kitchen and flooded part of the basement, including my beloved sewing machine with an electronic card. I was overwhelmed with too many tasks on my list and not enough time to do them well before we left town last week. I had planned a bike ride before the rain. I dried as much of the basement as I could immediately, turned the fan on it all and put out dishes to catch what was still dripping from above and left to ride. Drying things off well before the dripping stopped was pointless.

I was late, I didn’t get the ride finished before the rain, and my helmet had been taken out of the car for the trip. Ides of March or no, it felt a little bit like I was pushing my luck when the last 30-50% of the ride was in the rain with no helmet.

Rinsing wet sewing supplies with clean water. I bought the strainer on our recent trip, It’s already been worth it.

The fan worked well while I was away, and I too was dry by the time I got home. The problem was annoying, but I think it’s only going to cost clean up time, not material losses.

We did manage to get riding in this week, but we didn’t get the last updates to the video done. I’m feeling both burdened and lucky. But, I’m not going to remind Russ what day it is today until it’s over and we’ve made it through. We’ll see you next week when we have a new family member and a new outlook.

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