
Russ and I have adventures from time to time, mostly because we’re willing to get up at 4 AM to chase balloons (once I did that with a wind chill of -42) or SAG(Support and Gear) for century bicycle rides. We also do unglamorous stuff like pulling tires out of places where they’ve been dumped and clearing fallen limbs from a trail on the fly while we’re out for recreation.

Volunteering isn’t just how we get to go on adventures, though. To some extent it’s a way of life and a lot of our contacts came from meeting kindred spirits while volunteering for one thing or another. If it weren’t for volunteering, our lives would be a lot less interesting.

We haven’t done as much organized volunteering lately because we’re having trouble keeping up with our own lives, but we actively incorporate small helps into our daily lives. You can help often by picking up trash anywhere from a trail to a parking lot. I nearly always take a shopping bag to the beach to pick up plastics or broken glass while I walk. By opening a door for someone, taking their shopping cart back to the store as you go in, reaching something high for someone in a wheelchair, or yielding to someone in traffic you see how big the small things are every time you do it.

Here is a sampling of volunteer pages listed alphabetically. Send us a link if you know a great organization that isn’t here.

Appalachian Trail Maintenance

Atlanta Botanical Garden

Atlanta History Center

Atlanta Mission

Bearings Bike Works

The Carter Center


Georgia Aquarium

Georgia Conservancy

Georgia Native Plant Society

Good Era Volunteer Ideas

Habitat for Humanity

High Museum

Kennesaw Mountain Trail Club

Lions Club International

MUST Ministries

North Fulton Community Center

The Nature Conservancy

Peace Corps

The United Way

Volunteer Income Tax Prep Assistance

Volunteer World

Voter Poll Worker

Zoo Atlanta

If your favorite volunteer opportunity isn’t here, let us know!

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