Tuesday Trippin’ September 14

I’ll be breaking out the Smartwool soon. It is so nice for in between temperatures.

I’ve been heavily editing some of the future posts that will be the framework for our business plan and our rough schedule. It became obvious in the details that one of my plans was going to leave us with no time, not just no time for ourselves, no time to succeed.

The level we dropped was where we tried to do a smaller number of the long rides, but Russ continued to work full time. In trying to find enough training time for Russ over the past year plus, it became clear that the apparent “best compromise” level was really the “doomed to failure” level. I’m sad about that in some ways. I liked having the level in case our real dream didn’t fund. We could still shoot some full videos and do the project on a level that would suit the needs of many users. But, I’m also relieved. I can handle the small ways I might disappoint myself, but something big like a Kickstarter, it would really hurt to fail at that because I put in a level that wasn’t workable. So, in the end, I’m in “It was for the best” mode, and I’ll be looking with increasing scrutiny at other things I need to rework or remove.

We’ve had some hard rains. The Greenway flooded again and was closed to get downed trees off the trail. That cost us a ride. Last year there was a lot of flooding. It left some large stretches with piles of dirt removed from the trails, downed tree debris and scraped understory in a lot of areas. The path was not nearly as pretty as it has been in other years. I was just beginning to see it as largely improved and ready for photos, but with this last flooding, it is beginning to look less camera ready again.

I think that’s about what I have for this week. See you next week.

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