Tuesday Trippin’ July 11

The Riding

The riding is getting better again, unusual for the hotter months. When Russ lost his job, I was riding with him more, and his riding had lapsed. At first I’d ride on without him when he’s had enough, and later we were sticking together, so his riding improved while mine decreased. Then I had that rough week that made me question my health. We’re both moving back into respectable territory for our meeting our goals. My leg muscles are now stronger than they have ever been. That feels pretty good.

The Wildlfe

I saw a gray fox while riding Big Creek. I’ve seen an otter there before, but never any kind of fox. He was only about 10 feet in front of the bike. He totally ignored me as he walked by me. I’d have loved to get that on camera, but otherwise I was happy for him to keep his plenty short distance. There are usually reports of rabies in the area during the warm months. The only suspicious thing he did was to let me see him pass close by, but still, I’m happy that I saw him, and happy that he kept right on going.

Our Various Projects

We’re one third of the way through our make it or break it month. We’ve made some progress, and we have a lot left to go. I’m gonna go with “cautiously optimistic” as my feeling for now.

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