Tuesday Trippin’ February 21

The Rides

Tuesday (the day after the cold ride I wrote about last week) was low key. I took it mostly easy in case I wasn’t quite over Monday. The next day Russ and I rode together. He was stiff and didn’t ride as well as he expected. I rode a little further than he did and sprinted for a bit of the extra, but we’re still evening out and that’s a little less common when we ride together. About four hours afterward I was feeling lousy, don’t know if I was still recovering from Monday’s chill or if it was something different.

The week has had a lot of timing between rain and washing trail trash off the bikes. It feels good that we’re getting better about bike maintenance. The plan was always to be better when we got project bikes, but the time to form better habits is now. We’ve both felt like we were fighting some low level illness and haven’t pushed as hard as we would have otherwise.

The Project

Russ vectorized the logo in prep for using is in all the places we will use it and ordered insulated cups engraved with it. They were actually pretty reasonably priced. They would engrave your Yeti if you brought one in, but we opted for a less expensive option, and if you do this yourself, shop around. There’s a wide range of prices. We got ours from a trophy and engraving shop that was doing their own work rather than a reseller who had to add middleman profit.

I’m about to hit publish and this awesome logo is still not at the top of the website, but I expect it to be there really soon. Russ has been picking up a little html to get it into the banner and we are looking at the “it needs to look good on the phone or on the laptop” aspect of it all. It feels a little odd to have the logo in the physical world and not on the website, but we’re making progress step by step, inch by inch.

And now it’s time to get out there and ride before the rain comes.

Have a glorious week, and we’ll see you on the trail

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