Tuesday Trippin’ April 25

I have edited old posts and I have bits in the works, but it’s been 6 weeks since I posted anything. There are a combination of things responsible, none of which dampen our commitment to the project.

Some of our other commitments and breaks were: We visited Mom while my sister took a trip. We visited Russ’s Dad too. We made the most of those trips with some side hikes, both coming and going. We did a native plant activity with a native plant group using iNaturalist because there is a plant identification component to the project. We took a small break too, took an apple grafting class similar to this one with the Georgia Center for Urban Agriculture. This is a related article. We Russ injured his hand, ripped it open with a screwdriver, but at least that happened after the grafting and he’s fine now. We were pretty frustrated that that had to postpone the giant vintage yard sale.

We’re reassessing and will have more to say on that soon. There are no huge changes in our priorities. The project is on.

Until next time, have a glorious day, and we’ll see you on the trail!

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