Tagged: Silver Comet Video Project

Endurance Bikes 2023 0

Endurance Bikes 2023

Many project decisions have been clear and easy, but bicycles are the difficult exception. Until the project I never paid attention to bicycle features unless I had to buy one. Then I just went...

Tuesday Trippin’ January 17 0

Tuesday Trippin’ January 17

The hits keep coming. The car died. I’ll get to find out sometime tomorrow if it is worse than a dead battery, and Ill get a second opinion on that 5K of work that...

If You Couldn’t Fail 0

If You Couldn’t Fail

What would you do if you couldn’t fail? It’s a big question, with all kinds of implications. You may see it in a self help, inspirational or life coaching context, a job interview or...

Training Tuesday January 12 0

Training Tuesday January 12

We are ecstatic that our isolation has ended, and even happier that no one ever became symptomatic. We’ve been on one short ride since we gained our freedom. I spent a lot of time...

Training Tuesday Dec 22 0

Training Tuesday Dec 22

It’s cooling off. The Christmas crush has come, and for me, mostly gone. A few days ago I edited the final dates for expecting Dec 25 delivery from our Etsy shop to now say...

Road Bikes and Recumbents 0

Road Bikes and Recumbents

Bikes are the big scary question mark right now. Not only do we have bikes in need of repairs (me) and an overhaul (Russ), but we’re also going to need recumbents to ride half...