Tagged: Silver Comet Ride Project

If You Couldn’t Fail 0

If You Couldn’t Fail

What would you do if you couldn’t fail? It’s a big question, with all kinds of implications. You may see it in a self help, inspirational or life coaching context, a job interview or...

Tuesday Trippin’ September 21 0

Tuesday Trippin’ September 21

Until today, I haven’t been on the bike since Saturday morning (when I went straight and the bike slid off to the right). A four day break will become more common as my rides...

Road Bikes and Recumbents 0

Road Bikes and Recumbents

Bikes are the big scary question mark right now. Not only do we have bikes in need of repairs (me) and an overhaul (Russ), but we’re also going to need recumbents to ride half...

Training Tuesday October 7-12 0

Training Tuesday October 7-12

Goal    99 miles, or whatever gets me back in the swing. Actual Total  miles 48 1st Ride 14 miles 2nd Ride 16 miles 3rd Ride 18 miles The bug I had hung on for...

Training Tuesday  August 25-31 0

Training Tuesday August 25-31

Training Tuesday     August 25-31 Goal    67 miles, still shifting toward 2 longer rides Actual Total 67.5 miles Wednesday 26th, 24 miles Thursday 27nd  14.5 miles Saturday 29th 29 miles I planned to go out...