Tagged: Roswell

Tuesday Trippin’ February 7 0

Tuesday Trippin’ February 7

Training We’ve had some good rides, getting better too. Today I was actually warm enough to want to take off a layer. I think we’ll be riding at the same level soon, but it...

Hard Wood 0

Hard Wood

Travel is one of the great joys in life, and sometimes the best trips are not geographically distant.

Salvage Value 0

Salvage Value

I’ve done a lot of renovation, but never by the IKEA method. IKEA designs by choosing the end price and making the features of the product fit inside. I’m pretty confident that I can...

A House, A House, My Kingdom for a House 0

A House, A House, My Kingdom for a House

That’s not exactly how the Bard wrote about King Richard III’s battleground predicament, but I’m feeling a bit of the same dilemma. Trying to find a home has certainly marked a winter of discontent...