Tagged: Karen Goes

Headwear 0


This is headwear as in, not the helmet. I have sensitive skin and helmets come with disappointing washing instructions. I don’t understand what problem there can be with washing a regular helmet, but I...

Training Tuesday December 1 0

Training Tuesday December 1

Goal100+ miles per week I’m editing our training plan and goals. It’s not really a change in direction or about Russ’ wreck. Russ got back on the bike after that crash. His big toe...

Multi-Use, Multicultural, Multipass 0

Multi-Use, Multicultural, Multipass

A conversation I had last night has me thinking about one aspect to our trail video project that I haven’t said much about yet, the production of a multi-use trail safety video. Just as...

Training Tuesday October 7-12 0

Training Tuesday October 7-12

Goal    99 miles, or whatever gets me back in the swing. Actual Total  miles 48 1st Ride 14 miles 2nd Ride 16 miles 3rd Ride 18 miles The bug I had hung on for...

Training Tuesday  August 25-31 0

Training Tuesday August 25-31

Training Tuesday     August 25-31 Goal    67 miles, still shifting toward 2 longer rides Actual Total 67.5 miles Wednesday 26th, 24 miles Thursday 27nd  14.5 miles Saturday 29th 29 miles I planned to go out...

And Then, The Etsy Store 0

And Then, The Etsy Store

At one time, seems like it was around our unemployment year, I thought I (or we) might make a business with Etsy. I love handmade crafting. I love up-cycling (I don’t commit sacrilege, I...