Author: karen

Tuesday Trippin’ 0

Tuesday Trippin’

Do you have a mental file of pictures you didn’t take? We had storms this week. Normally “thunderstorms” in the forecast is an absolute no go for me, but Russ called from work and...

Tuesday Trippin, May 4 0

Tuesday Trippin, May 4

I haven’t given actual numbers on my mileage for a while. The good news is that my weeks are back over 100 miles and that feels good. I’ve had draggy days and while pushing...

Tuesday Trippin’ April 6 & 13 0

Tuesday Trippin’ April 6 & 13

Another “Trippin’” post that covers two weeks here, I don’t think it will become the norm. Leading up to April 6 was a whirlwind, shifting into better rides again (while dealing with those incredible...

Tuesday Trippin’ March 16 0

Tuesday Trippin’ March 16

This was the week that I have 4 full days free from childcare responsibilities. The weather was not just beautiful, it was gorgeous, and I spent all of that time tossing cookies and checking...