Tuesday Trippin’ October 11

Back in the Sadldle Soon

The big scary antibiotics did their work. I laid off the exercise while I was on them because any risk of aortic aneurism that I can avoid is too much. I got my new Covid Vaccine and the Flu shot 24 hours after the last dose of meds. There was no recommendation to wait till I was done with the meds, but I figured there’s a strong likelihood that the vaxes would side effects. I’ve had them with the other shots. If I feel rotten, it will make it easier to stay off the bike for another day or two and give the meds plenty of time to be definitely out of my system.

Ramping it Up

It’s time to get serious about ramping up readiness for the submission and campaign and project. That usually hits my brain right about the time my head hits the pillow. Insomnia isn’t new to me, so I have a few coping strategies that sometimes work, sometimes don’t. I’m getting back to normal voice and will be working on the audio.

The Weight Loss

I’ve been off schedule, diet and exercise wise for a whole month now. I noticed in my FB memories there was a year when I complained about nasty sinus problems at the same time I was sick this year. I wondered how many times it had happened around now, but didn’t post.

The need for stronger antibiotics makes be wonder if this could really be simple allergies that got exposed to something. Ragweed is the big allergen that coincides with when we got sick. I have my calendar marked to pay attention next year to ragweed counts and see if there appears to be a correlation. I can’t afford to give this much time to sickness again whether the project makes or not.

I was lax on the weight loss while sick, but I haven’t gained weight. Sunday was my last splurge. We went to Fellini’s for pizza by the slice, and at the table I said out loud that I couldn’t have another splurge for 2 weeks. I’m officially back on track, eating plan wise and rides as well.

That’s it for this week. Se you on the trail, and have a glorious fall day!

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