Tuesday Trippin July 27

For a few weeks I was in a ride 4 days in a row, do something else for 3 days cycle. It wasn’t a choice, just the way things kept working out. It’ll be alright with me if that spreads out across the week, but it slides into the habit I plan for the project pretty well, so it will be alright if it keeps up too. There hasn’t been much that was too memorable about the rides. Rain has been frequent, so some rides were wet. I got a shingles vaccine on Sunday and I was kind of miserable Sunday and most of Monday, but I rode a slow and easy ride in 90 degree temps Monday night and hope to be up and riding early Tuesday, this morning, I didn’t feel like riding, but it’s a day when I can get out while the temps are cooler, so I pushed and went out anyway.

A week or 3 ago I got a sting on my pinkie while riding. Today it was my face, and I could have used my morning off to sleep in! It seems like all my insect bites while cycling the Silver Comet happen in July and August.

Picture taken about 2 hours after sting, and an hour after I took the largest recommended dose of Benadryl. Another 12 hours later I was still pretty swollen and tingly, feeling like I’d been to the dentist. My skin was exactly that red. My only edit to the under-lit photo was to crop it.

You can’t tell from the camera angle, but the swelling made me look a little square jawed. The lip was big enough to notice in my peripheral vision. That was really weird, really weird.

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1 Response

  1. March 15, 2024

    […] places I occasionally get stung. I have a pretty significant reaction to wasp bites. Last time, I looked like I’d gone in for over the top lip fillers, and the bright redness on my pale skin was […]

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